Car Fatalities Continue to Rise Despite Improved Safety

Each year, automakers unveil their newest designs, boasting their latest and greatest features. Since the production of the first cars in the United States, car safety has improved significantly. Despite this, the number of car-related deaths continues to rise. In the year 2021, the number of fatalities increased by 10.5% from 2020, the greatest increase since 2005. As 2022 progresses, the trend continues. In this article, we explore the factors around why this is the case.

If you or a loved one have been injured in a car accident, please do not hesitate to contact our world-class personal injury lawyers. Call us at 575-523-2222, we are here to help.


Over the last century, vehicles and their technology have changed drastically. Of these changes, vehicle weight has been one of the key factors contributing to the rise in death rates. Studies have shown that heavier vehicles cause more damage in accidents and are far more likely to kill pedestrians. This weight increase is a side effect of people wanting larger and larger cars and trucks. Due to this increase in size, drivers have bigger blind spots and are highly reliant on technology for visibility. According to the Institute for Highway Safety, large vehicles, like SUVs, pickup trucks, vans, and minivans, are much more likely to hit pedestrians and cause fatal accidents.

Driver Behavior

In addition to changes in car size and weight, driver behavior has also contributed to an increase in car accident fatalities. During the pandemic, Americans drove less than ever, but restrictions eased and more people took to the road. After a year of lockdown, the fatality rate was significantly higher than it had been before the pandemic. An increase in reckless/careless driving is believed to be the cause of this increase. This trend has only continued in 2022. To combat this problem, experts suggest standardizing car safety technologies, lowering speed limits in urban centers, and improving pedestrian infrastructure.


Automobiles dominate American cities rather than people. Due to this, walking, biking, and commuting can be challenging for pedestrians. Cities across the country have recognized this problem, and efforts are being made to raise driver awareness. The best way to achieve this is to make our infrastructure more pedestrian-friendly. There are a variety of actions we can take to make the streets less dangerous, such as installing speed bumps, having protected sidewalks and bike lanes, narrowing vehicle lanes, and lowering speed limits. It is imperative that we continue to address city, road, and vehicle safety issues in order to create a safer environment for future generations.

We Are Here To Help

If you’ve been injured in an accident, our world-class car accident lawyers can help. We have helped hundreds of motor vehicle accident victims. Please call 575-523-2222.