Staying Safe on New Mexico Roads: A Guide to Daylight Savings Road Safety

As we approach the season of changing clocks, many of us look forward to gaining an extra hour of sleep thanks to Daylight Savings Time. However, the shift can also bring about a crucial concern for New Mexico’s motorists: the onset of darkness during peak evening travel hours. At The Law Offices of Kenneth G. Egan, we prioritize not just legal services, but also our New Mexico community’s welfare. With this in mind, we’ve outlined some key tips for ensuring daylight savings road safety.

  1. Adjustment Period: Understand that it takes a few days for our bodies to adjust to the new time. This means that your 5 pm tiredness might now feel like it’s hitting you at 4 pm. Combat this by getting adequate rest, especially before driving.
  2. Headlights and Vehicle Maintenance: Earlier darkness means you’ll be using your headlights more. Ensure they are clean, properly aligned, and fully functional. Likewise, double-check brakes, turn signals, and brake lights.
  3. Beware of Wildlife: Wildlife tends to be more active during dawn and dusk. Especially in the scenic routes of New Mexico, it’s crucial to be extra cautious during these hours to avoid collisions with animals crossing roads.
  4. Enhance Visibility: Poor light conditions can compromise visibility. Make it a practice to clean your windshield inside and out. Use the car’s defogging system to maintain clear windows.
  5. Stay Alert: With the setting sun, shadows can play tricks on the eyes, and reduced visibility can obscure road hazards. Keep distractions to a minimum. This means setting aside your mobile phone, tuning your radio beforehand, and always being aware of your surroundings.
  6. Adapt Your Speed: Darkness affects depth perception. With reduced visibility, it might be challenging to judge distance and speed. Slow down, especially in areas with sharp turns, intersections, or pedestrian crossings.
  7. Pedestrian Awareness: With the days getting shorter, there’s a likelihood of more pedestrians being out during the darker hours. Always yield the right of way and stay particularly cautious around crosswalks, bus stops, and school zones.
  8. Plan Ahead: If you can, try adjusting your schedule to drive during daylight hours. In instances where that’s not feasible, always plan your route in advance, knowing areas that might require extra caution.

Safety on the road is a shared responsibility. As you adjust your clocks for Daylight Savings Time, also recalibrate your driving habits. Adopting the above safety measures not only protects you but also contributes to the well-being of all New Mexico road users.

Should you or a loved one ever face unfortunate incidents on the road, our team of New Mexico personal injury lawyers is here to guide and support you through the legal process. For a free legal consultation, contact us or give us a call at (575) 523-2222.