The Importance of Understanding Stacked Car Insurance Coverage

Understanding your car insurance coverage can be the difference between being adequately compensated for your injuries and facing financial difficulties. At the Law Offices of Kenneth G. Egan, we recently assisted a client who reminded us of this fact.

After filing a claim against the at-fault driver’s insurance, we successfully secured the policy limits. However, when approaching the client’s own underinsured motorist carrier, we were initially told that no additional coverage was available due to insufficient purchased coverages.

Upon thoroughly reviewing the policy and its declaration pages, we discovered a critical error in how the insurance carrier had written the policy. This mistake allowed us to secure additional coverage for our client, even though the policy seemed to suggest otherwise.

Key Takeaway: Just because an insurance company tells you there is no coverage for your losses, do not accept their statement at face value. An experienced car accident attorney can review your policy and potentially uncover coverage opportunities that were initially denied.

In this case, our careful analysis allowed us to not only secure the liability coverage limits but also obtain a significantly larger amount of uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage. This was achieved despite the insurance company’s initial claim that no coverage was available.

Why You Shouldn’t Accept “No Coverage” as the Final Word

Insurance policies can be complex, and errors or oversights in how they are written can significantly impact the coverage you receive. Insurance companies may not always have your best interests in mind and might deny coverage based on a strict interpretation of the policy language. However, as demonstrated in this case, there may be opportunities to secure coverage that the insurance company initially denies.

If you’ve been injured in a car accident and are being told by an insurance company that there is no coverage for your losses, it’s crucial to seek legal advice. An experienced attorney can thoroughly review your policy and identify any errors or opportunities that could result in additional coverage.

What is Stacked Car Insurance? 

Stacked car insurance allows policyholders to combine or “stack” coverage limits from multiple vehicles or policies, increasing the total amount of coverage available in the event of an accident. This is particularly beneficial for underinsured or uninsured motorist coverage, as it enables the insured to draw from the combined limits of all applicable vehicles or policies, providing greater financial protection in the case of a serious accident.

The Role of an Experienced Car Accident Attorney in Stacked Insurance Claims

Understanding how these policies work and ensuring they are correctly applied requires a detailed understanding of insurance law. An attorney with experience in handling such cases can navigate these complexities and advocate on your behalf.

In this particular case, our diligence and knowledge of insurance law allowed us to turn what appeared to be a no-coverage situation into a substantial recovery for the client. This experience underscores the importance of not accepting an insurance company’s initial denial as the final word and seeking a professional review of your policy.

If you’re dealing with an insurance company that has denied your claim or stated that no further coverage is available, don’t hesitate to reach out to the Law Offices of Kenneth G. Egan. The right legal assistance can make a significant difference in the outcome of your case, ensuring that you receive the compensation you are entitled to under the law.