Common Causes of Wrongful Death: What You Need to Know

Every day, people are tragically killed in preventable accidents. As a result of these deaths, families can be faced with serious financial and emotional hardship. It is important to understand common causes of wrongful death in order to take the necessary steps to protect your family. In this article, we will cover five common causes of wrongful death and how The Law Offices of Kenneth G. Egan can help. 

Auto Accidents

In a report on common causes of death in the United States from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), motor vehicle accidents were found to be the leading cause of death in the United States for people aged 1-54. Auto accidents can involve cars, motorcycles, semi-trucks, and other vehicles. When an individual is killed due to another driver’s negligence, a wrongful death lawsuit may be possible. Families should contact a car accident attorney familiar with these types of cases in order to determine their legal rights. 

Dog Bites and Attacks

Dog attacks can cause serious injury or even death, especially when they involve very young children or elderly persons who are more susceptible to severe injury. Holding the owner of the dog responsible may be possible if it was proven that the owner failed to take reasonable steps to protect others from their pet. Our law firm has helped many families in the aftermath of a dog bite injury or death.


Approximately 10 percent of accidental deaths each year are caused by drowning, according to the CDC. Drowning can occur at any age but is more common among young children and elderly persons due to their inability to swim or lack of awareness about potential hazards such as swift currents or slippery pool decks. It is important for families with young children or elderly members who may be at risk of drowning to take necessary steps such as installing safety fencing around pools and providing adequate supervision while swimming in lakes or rivers. If someone you love has died due to a negligent property owner’s failure to provide adequate safety precautions, you may have a wrongful death claim against them under certain circumstances. A lawyer familiar with this type of case can help you understand your legal options and guide you through the process if needed. 

Negligent Security

Negligent security can involve failing to provide adequate security measures that allow criminals access to businesses where people should feel safe but do not due to inadequate protection from property owners or employers. Inadequate security measures can lead to tragic results such as kidnapping, assault, or even death; depending on the situation, family members may have grounds for a wrongful death suit against those responsible for their loved one’s tragedy if it is proven that negligent security was involved in some way. 

Pedestrian Accidents 

Nearly 5 percent of all accidental deaths each year are caused by pedestrian accidents according to CDC data – and these numbers seem likely to rise given recent trends towards larger vehicles and increased car use across America’s urban centers over public transportation options.

Pedestrian accidents often occur when drivers fail to use reasonable care while operating vehicles such as speeding or driving carelessly around intersections where pedestrians tend to congregate; depending on the facts surrounding a particular case, family members whose loved one died due to careless driving may have grounds to file a wrongful death lawsuit to pursue financial compensation for their loss medical bills associated with treatment.

Our Las Cruces Wrongful Death Lawyers Are Here for You

Though it may be daunting, achieving justice after a wrongful death caused is attainable with the right know-how and guidance from a qualified legal team. Our experienced wrongful death attorneys are here to help you get justice for your loved one. Contact The Law Offices of Kenneth G. Egan today at 575-523-2222.