Egan Explains: How a Slip and Fall Attorney Proves Your Case

Have you been injured in a slip and fall accident on someone else’s property? If so, you may wonder if you have a case and how to seek compensation for your injuries. Slip and fall attorneys have the difficult job of proving that another’s negligence led to your injuries, but how do they do that? 

Understanding “Premises Liability”

In a slip and fall case, the legal concept of “premises liability” applies. This means that property owners have a legal duty to maintain their premises in a reasonably safe condition for visitors. This includes keeping walkways clear of hazards, repairing broken stairs, and ensuring proper lighting.

Proving Negligence

To win a slip and fall case, your attorney will need to establish that the property owner was negligent. Here’s what needs to be proven:

  • Duty of Care: The property owner owed you a duty to keep the premises safe.
  • Breach of Duty: The owner failed to maintain the property in a safe condition (e.g., a wet floor with no warning sign).
  • Causation: The owner’s breach of duty directly caused your slip and fall accident.
  • Damages: You suffered injuries due to the fall.

new mexico slip and fall cases

Evidence to Support Your Case

Your slip and fall attorney will gather evidence to support these elements. This might include:

  • Medical Records: Documenting the extent of your injuries and how they connect to the fall.
  • Accident Scene Photos: If possible, capturing pictures of the hazard that caused your fall.
  • Witness Statements: Testimonies from anyone who saw the accident or the hazardous condition.
  • Security Camera Footage: If available, security footage can offer valuable evidence of the accident.

Our Team Can Help

The Law Offices of Kenneth G. Egan understand the physical, emotional, and financial difficulties you face after a slip and fall injury. We are committed to helping you recover the compensation you deserve. Contact us today for a free consultation. We are located in Las Cruces and are proud to service the surrounding areas, including Doña Ana, Santo Tomas, La Mesa, Fort Selden, Radium Springs, and beyond.