Protect Yourself from a Drunk Driving Accident in Las Cruces

Every day, 28 people in the United States die in motor vehicle crashes that involve an alcohol-impaired driver. At The Law Offices of Kenneth G. Egan, we want to help you avoid becoming one of these statistics. In this blog post, our Las Cruces car accident attorney goes over how to recognize and avoid dangerous situations when it comes to drunk driving and offers tips on how to be proactive about avoiding a motor vehicle crash involving an impaired driver.

Recognizing Signs of Drunk Driving:

As a driver, it’s important to recognize the tell-tale signs of an impaired driver. Common signs include weaving in and out of lanes, driving too fast or too slow, sudden braking, erratic steering, failure to respond to traffic signals and signs, or swerving. If you observe any of these behaviors while on the road, do not hesitate to call 911 right away and report the vehicle.

Avoiding Dangerous Times to Drive:

Drunk driving crashes are more frequent late at night and early in the morning. To avoid being involved in a crash with an impaired driver, take extra precautions while driving during these times. Make sure that your vehicle is in good working order with up-to-date maintenance checks and that all headlights and brakes are functioning properly. Pay attention to your surroundings at all times and drive defensively. Additionally, plan ahead for rides home if you will be out drinking or consider staying over somewhere if possible.

Avoiding Specific Days:

Research shows that holidays are particularly dangerous when it comes to drunk driving accidents due to the increase in alcohol consumption around celebrations such as Thanksgiving, New Year’s Eve, July 4th, etc. Unfortunately, people who have been drinking are more likely to get behind the wheel during those days despite knowing that they can cause serious harm or even death. To stay safe on these days, make sure you plan for rides home before going out partying. Don’t let someone drive drunk or get in a car with someone who has been drinking—even if they believe they are capable of driving safely.

Our Car Accident Attorneys Can Are Here to Help

If you have been injured in a motor vehicle accident involving an impaired driver, contact The Law Offices of Kenneth G. Egan in Las Cruces today for personal injury advice tailored towards your individual needs. Our experienced car accident attorneys are here to help you hold drunk drivers accountable for their actions and recover compensation for any damages incurred as a result of their recklessness.