Protecting Yourself After a Rear-End Motorcycle Accident

Motorcyclists, especially those who ride in urban areas, are at a higher risk of being involved in a rear-end collision. According to the National Safety Council (2020), a quarter of all motorcycle-related fatalities involve rear-end collisions. Being prepared for such an incident can help protect your rights and ensure you get the right medical treatment and legal compensation. In this article, we’ll explain common injuries associated with rear-end motorcycle accidents and discuss the steps you can take if you’re ever involved in one.

Common Injuries in a Rear-End Motorcycle Accident

Rear-end accidents often lead to serious or even life-threatening injuries. Here are some common injuries associated with rear-end motorcycle accidents: 

  • Head Injuries: These can include traumatic brain injury (TBI) and concussions, both of which require urgent medical attention.
  • Spinal Cord Injury: This type of injury can cause paralysis, loss of sensation, and other lasting effects. 
  • Neck and Back Injuries: Whiplash is a common neck injury associated with rear-end motorcycle accidents. It occurs when the rider’s head is suddenly jerked forward from the impact of the collision. It can lead to pain, stiffness, and decreased range of motion in the neck. Back injuries can also occur due to sudden impact during a rear-end accident and range from muscle sprains to fractured vertebrae. 
  • Internal Organ Damage: Vulnerable internal organs like the lungs, liver, kidneys, and spleen are at risk for damage in a rear-end accident. Internal bleeding is also possible and requires immediate medical attention. 
  • Fractures: Broken bones are much more common in a rear-end accident than any other type of crash due to the sudden impact involved. Common fractures include broken ribs and collarbones as well as fractures to the arms or legs caused by being thrown off the bike by the force of impact. 

What To Do After A Rear-End Motorcycle Accident 

If you’ve been involved in a rear-end motorcycle accident, it’s important to take action quickly, both medically and legally. Here are some steps you should follow after an accident: 

  • Seek Medical Attention Immediately: Even if you don’t think your injuries are serious, it’s important to get checked out right away so that any potential problems involving your internal organs or head/neck trauma can be identified before they become worse over time. 
  • Document Everything You Can About The Accident: Take photos to document any visible damage done to your bike or clothing from the accident, including bruises or cuts sustained from flying debris or contact with surfaces after being thrown off your bike at high speeds due to sudden impact from another vehicle hitting you from behind. 
  • Contact an Experienced Motorcycle Accident Attorney: Your lawyer will be able to help protect your rights as a motorcyclist injured in a rear-end collision by negotiating for fair compensation for your losses and fighting for justice on your behalf if needed. An experienced motorcycle attorney will be familiar with local laws regarding this type of crash as well as have experience dealing with insurance companies who may try to undervalue claims made by riders involved in such incidents. 

Our Las Cruces Motorcycle Accident Lawyers Are Here for You

At the Law Offices of Kenneth G. Egan, we understand how devastating a motorbike accident can be – especially one caused by someone else driving recklessly into you from behind. We have extensive experience helping clients through an accident’s aftermath, click here to see our track record.