Tips for Avoiding Truck Accidents in New Mexico

No matter how careful you are on the roads, accidents still happen—especially when it comes to large trucks. In this article, we will provide five tips for avoiding truck accidents in New Mexico and explain why taking preventive measures is so important.

Tip #1: Check the Conditions of the Road 

It is essential to be aware of your surroundings no matter what vehicle you are driving. If the roads are wet, be sure to adjust your speed accordingly and don’t follow too closely behind trucks. Taking these extra precautions can help you avoid a potential accident.

Tip #2: Be Cautious When Changing Lanes 

When changing lanes, it is paramount to remember that large trucks have much larger blind spots than smaller vehicles, so it is important to be extra cautious when merging or changing lanes near a truck. Make sure that you always signal before making any maneuver and check your mirrors multiple times before taking action. 

Tip #3: Avoid Tailgating 

Tailgating is dangerous regardless of who is driving in front of you—but especially when it comes to large trucks. When following behind a truck, make sure that you leave plenty of room between yourself and the vehicle for safety purposes. 

Tip #4: Always Pay Attention to Brake Lights 

Large vehicles require more time to come to a complete stop, so pay attention to their brake lights at all times and give them plenty of space if they do happen to slow down or come to an abrupt stop. This way, you can avoid running into the back of them or worse—having them run into you from behind! 

Tip #5: Know Your Route Before You Go 

It’s always helpful if you know where you are going before heading out on the road in order to prevent confusion and unexpected turns that may lead to an accident. Rest assured, if something does go wrong while on the road due to an unfortunate incident involving another vehicle, The Law Offices of Kenneth G. Egan and our team of personal injury attorneys will have your back.

Our Truck Accident Lawyers Can Help

By taking these tips into consideration when driving around New Mexico, our team hopes that everyone can stay safe on the roads. Contact us today if your or a loved one has been injured in a truck accident.