What NOT to Do After a Las Cruces Car Accident

In a car-centric nation like ours, car accidents are a common occurrence for many Americans. In the immediate aftermath, confusion and adrenaline can cloud judgment.  However, taking the wrong steps can negatively impact your ability to recover compensation for any injuries or damages you sustained. Here at the Law Offices of Kenneth G. Egan, we want to ensure you are well-informed on what not to do after a Las Cruces car accident:

Don’t Leave the Scene

Unless there is a medical emergency requiring immediate attention,  do not leave the scene of the accident. Leaving can be misinterpreted as an admission of fault, even for minor collisions. If you stay on scene, it gives you the opportunity to give your account to the police and get a copy of the report.

Don’t Admit Fault or Discuss the Accident Extensively

It’s natural to apologize after an accident, especially if shaken. However, avoid admitting fault or discussing the details of the accident with the other driver or bystanders. Stick to exchanging basic information like names, insurance details, and license plate numbers.

Don’t Post About the Accident on Social Media

Social media can be a tempting platform to vent after an accident. However, avoid posting anything about the accident online. Insurance companies and opposing parties can use these posts against you.

Don’t Discuss Your Injuries with Anyone Except Medical Professionals

Don’t downplay your injuries or discuss them excessively with anyone except medical professionals. Insurance companies may use your statements to minimize the severity of your injuries. At the end of the day, insurance companies are businesses and will always take the opportunity to save money.

Don’t Deal Directly with the Other Driver’s Insurance Company

Insurance companies are in the business of minimizing payouts. Dealing directly with the other driver’s insurance company can put you at a disadvantage.

Don’t Throw Away Evidence

Keep all documents related to the accident, including police reports, medical bills, and repair estimates. Don’t throw away damaged clothing or car parts until the claim is settled.

Don’t Delay Seeking Medical Attention

Even if you feel okay initially, seek medical attention as soon as possible after a car accident. This creates a record of your injuries and aids in future insurance claims.

Don’t Go Through the Claims Process Alone

Having an experienced Las Cruces car accident attorney on your side can make a significant difference in going through the claims process.The Law Offices of Kenneth G. Egan is dedicated to protecting the rights of Las Cruces residents injured in car accidents. Contact us today or give us a call at (575) 523-2222 to get started with a free consultation. Let our experienced car accident lawyers help. We are located in Las Cruces and are proud to service the surrounding areas, including Doña Ana, Santo Tomas, La Mesa, Fort Selden, Radium Springs, and beyond.