Who is Liable for Accidents Caused by Truck Tire Blowouts?

Trucks transporting heavy loads come with inherent dangers for the truck driver and other motorists. One of the most dangerous kinds of truck accidents occur when a tire blows out.

Even a simple truck tire blowout can turn an otherwise safe semi-truck into an out-of-control nightmare. When a semi-truck collides with another vehicle, the driver and other passengers may suffer serious injuries such as soft tissue damage, internal injuries, fractures, and breaks. A survivor may suffer permanent disfigurement or disability and significant emotional trauma.

It may not be obvious who is at fault in these types of accidents, but victims can identify the responsible parties and pursue compensation by working with an experienced truck accident attorney.

Causes of Truck Tire Blowouts

According to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA), the root cause of tire blowouts on big trucks has nothing to do with striking an object on the road.

In reality, trucking safety is most compromised by poor maintenance and failure to inspect. The importance of truck inspections cannot be overstated. Tires and parts should be thoroughly inspected by the trucking company and truck driver before being hauled off. Truck drivers can be held liable for any accidents caused by the vehicle they operated when they failed to do routine maintenance and thorough inspections.

If a tire blowout occurs, the truck driver, trucking company, or another party could be responsible for an accident caused by:

Worn Tires

The tires on trucks should be inspected regularly, and when they have deteriorated, they should be replaced. Besides the risk of blowouts, worn tires may provide inadequate traction, resulting in the truck driver losing control.


In order to handle the full weight of a truck and its cargo load, tires must be inflated properly. Underinflated tires may flex beyond their limits, leading to blowouts.

Excessive Braking

Blowouts can happen when the treads on a truck’s tires become worn down from excessive or improper braking.


Overloading and exceeding weight limits can put additional pressure on a truck’s tires, which may result in their explosion.

Improper Response

In the event of a blowout, truck drivers should apply full throttle in order to continue driving, make corrections to address any steering issues, and then slow down and pull over to a safe place. A driver who fails to take these necessary steps may lose control, drift into other lanes, run off the road, or cross the highway median. Jackknife accidents or rollovers may result in multiple-vehicle pileups.

The majority of these mishaps can be prevented, and if they aren’t due to negligence, truck drivers and their employers are generally liable. A personal injury lawyer can assist you if you suffer damages due to a truck tire blowout.

What to Do if You’re Injured in a Truck Tire Blowout Accident

There is no doubt that a truck tire blowout is frightening and can cause serious injuries. Following an accident, you should try to document everything with photographs and videos, obtain a police report, and seek medical attention immediately.

If you have been injured in a truck accident, it is vital that you get legal representation as soon as possible. The experienced team at The Law Offices of Kenneth G. Egan works hard to ensure your claim is settled to your satisfaction. We will be there with you each and every step of the way and are always available for any questions you may have. 

Our team is extremely proud to have been serving New Mexico drivers for more than 30 years. If you want representation from our top truck accident attorneys in Las Cruces, contact us now for a free consultation!